Characterization of CTO Lesions in PAD: 

Lessons Learned from HIPACT Study

Chronic Total Occlusions (CTO) and long lesions have been associated with higher reocclusion rate in femoro-popliteal arteries and increased need for revascularization. While several studies have analyzed atherectomy samples, no study to date has correlated the tissue characteristics of CTOs with clinical outcome.

This pilot study assessed lesions in order to predict clinical outcomes based on lesion characteristics. During this presentation Dr. Jon George discusses:

    1. Can lesion characteristics help to predict clinical outcomes?
    2. How intravascular imaging may allow the physician to:
      • Make a real-time intraprocedural risk assessment.
      • Aid in guiding therapy that could reduce the potential for restenosis.

Learn more about OCT-Guided Therapy 
For below the knee device visit the Pantheris SV product page

For CTO crossing device visit Ocelot page




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